Love, Joy, Peace...
Prayer Requests
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."
(NIV Philippians 4:6)
Requests from the Community Prayer Box on Victoria Avenue
*A mother asks prayers for her and her daughter Hannah who is struggling with mental illness and having difficulty getting her medication. The mother is not authorized to help and is not allowed to visit Hannah who is institutionalized.
*A prayer for Victoria Presbyterian Church (VPC): For our numbers to increase, for God's spirit to rest on this church body and make it flourish. The prayer also thanked VPC for the prayer box.
*A prayer for a family whose father has been diagnosed with cancer. God is asked to guide the father through his cancer treatments and to look over his wife and boys while he is concentrating on healing.
*Pray for more love; for anyone struggling right now; and the people and children in Palestine and Israel.
* May God bless us in 2025!
Prayer requests from the VPC Congregation
*Grant McDougall and his family
*Kathy who recently had a stroke
*Jim Rau
*Lee Tainter
*Jim & Carolyn Burrell
*Victims of the Southern California wild fires; The congregation of the 1st Presbyterian Church in Pacific Palisades whose church was completely burned down.

Ongoing & Global Prayer Requests
*Ministries that share facilities with Victoria Presbyterian Church: Iglesia Cristiana Biblica; Faith, Hope & Love Ministry; Hosanna International Ministries
*Peace and humanitarian aid in Ukraine, the Middle East, and Sudan
*United States of America

Do You Have a Prayer Request?
Click on "Prayer Requests" below and scroll down the page to the center section. There you can write your request and we will add it to this page.